The Israelis.

With Pessach right around the corner, it seems every Jew in Melbourne is taking on at least one or two Israelis.

“How are you getting the cleaning done with the kids running around?”
“Oh, no worries, I’ve got myself an Israeli.”

“Who is taking care of the car?”
“My Israeli.”

What a different outlook, eh? An ‘Israeli’ is a post-army Israeli backpacker who has reached Australia in time for the busiest Jewish holiday season: Passover. And as Israeli backpackers, they naturally have no money and will work for Australian dollars throughout their trip here. And the Jewish locals just lap it right up.

My brother-in-law is catering a getaway Pessach in a resort along the Great Ocean Road and hiring about nine. He’s got a few working in the restaurant and and one with the kids. Since I got here, I keep hearing, “So how many Israelis?” “Where’s your Israeli?” “Call the Israeli.”

Hmm… Then is it interesting that the two of us are heading out to help with the chaos as well… and we happen to be Israeli?






Whadya got: