From homeless wooden frame to family centerpiece: upcycle crafts!

Another craft complete, from start to finish!

A couple months ago I found a few naked, damaged wooden frames tossed by the trash and I took them home (cue huz’s eyeroll and kids’ nonstop questions).

This was a true team effort: I took the frames, daughter had been collecting flower petals on the side, huz got pinteresty and thought to hang photos.

So here’s what I did:

  1. Made my own mod podge, on the cheap, with as 15-NIS bottle of white glue and water (add 1 cup of water to 2 cups glue, and a veneer finish type material if you want gloss).
  2. Set down the petals and glued them (mother-daughter project) – I repeated this 3 or 4 times, covering over browner ones with fresh ones, adding tons of glue to make sure the petals wouldn’t crisp and fall off. You really can’t use too much glue for this. I do recommend collecting a ton of petals and using them soon after because they go brown.
  3. Staple-gunned string across the frame in the back.
  4. Got those cute little decorative clothespins ($6 for a pack of 100 on Amazon).
  5. Printed a bunch of photos in small squares so as not to crowd the frame background.

Win for upcycling! Win for teaching the kids about upcycling!

Win for annoying huz because now the kids insist on bringing impractical things home like giant broken tiles!





Whadya got: