Category: new york

  • For purple mountain majesties…

    The following are 1/10 the amount of photos I took in the last 48 hours I’ve been in Colorado visiting family. It was hard to pick out just ten, and even that is a ridiculous amount to post. But guess what? The Colorado Rockies are breathtaking and I’m a country girl now. Ok, the Judean…

  • In touch with my American roots.

    After six months in England, I couldn’t stand it. In Israel, it’s really nothing special. But as an American female currently located in New York City, riding the subway, there is nothing sexier to me at this moment than a hot, sweaty, lacrosse player boarding the train, looking dazed and leaning over to ask me,…

  • The twisted mind of an expat.

    I’m in New York City for the next three weeks. On one stretch,  between my office on 35th to the bus on 42nd, I hear not one – not two – but three Hebrew conversations. I get on the bus, there’s a six pack of hard lemonade in my seat; former passenger leftovers. I drop…

  • The New York questions.

    When Israeliborns ask where I’m from ‘b’makor’ there are usually a few follow up questions that I get after I answer I’m from New York. Por example: Ahhh, so you lived/you have been to Brooklyn?! Are there a lot of Arabs there? Have you been to Harlem? Is it really scary? I wonder if you…

  • Things I can't believe when I return to the States.

    It was my longest stretch between my last visit to the States, and I have compiled a quick list of things I’m mildly shocked to notice during the past two weeks I’ve been in New York: 1. Capitalism. Oh, how I have forgotten this. My concept of capitalism has been dumbed down to long Supersol…

  • A lesson from newborns and Coney Island.

    Today was the most bizarre day I’ve experienced in a really long time. The same day consisted of me holding the newborn boy of a girl I consider a cousin as well as punching myself in the face on Coney Island’s Cyclone. This pseudo cousin gave birth to her first child deep into Saturday night.…

  • There are no jukim in America.

    Usually when I touch down in JFK, flying over Queens at dawn, I get teary-eyed and patriotic for my hometown. I’ve been pretty emotional about New York since I left; even before I left. Maybe it’s because I landed here today coming off the Presidents Conference, or maybe it’s been a year and four months…

  • I am not a stationary creature.

    Over the past few months, I’ve been watching people come and go from Israel. I haven’t been back to New York in over a year and it’s nearly a year since I left the country at all. If you take a look at my past passports, you know that’s a bit insane. At this point,…

  • Spread NYC love, not STDs.

    Here is example #178 of something you’d never see handed out in Jerusalem: I heard about these NYC subway edition condoms being handed out in a new campaign while I was in New York in February… I thought it would make the ultimate token of NYC love. My brother was kind of enough to mail…

  • Deliberate this.

    I’m not a particularly nice person. And certainly not always thoughtful, either. But I guess leaving New York and living in Jerusalem for two years has ingrained in me a greater sense of respect; at least, respect that transfers from words to actions. So that’s why I was stunned when an old guy got on…

  • …But money can buy morale.

    I’m in New York. I found a two-way ticket for $499. Actually, the ticket found me, and just in time. No shock that I’ve been feeling jaded and weary lately. I don’t know if it’s aliyah fatigue or general Israeli fatigue. It’s not easy living here, even if you do have food to eat and…

  • i <3 NY

    This sounds silly, but I really miss New York lately.Remember this? and this?With Thanksgiving and even Christmas coming up, I’m beginning to actually miss ’tis season… Imagine that. Is that what it is to make aliyah? To always miss home, whether I’m here or there?