Tag: nettles update

  • Nettles update: eight months

    Things have been moving quickly, and by things I mean Nettles. Aside from the getting across the floor, entering other rooms, and eating whatever didn’t make it into the garbage can, I finally acknowledged your need to climb things. So the overturned laundry basket is now yours. How are those two little front teeth coming…

  • Nettles update: seven months

    Oh Nettles, Nettles, Nettles. You are a special soul, truly: only you – but only you – can be home with me all day while I attempt to get work done, roar at me on constant, and when I try to help, you laugh in my face – and get away with it. It’s fascinating me to…

  • Nettles update: six months

    At the beginning of this month, on the way back from our visit to the States, while your sister slept and her breakfast cooled off on her tray, I watched you watch me as you stuck your hand out, every so slowly, inching, inching towards it. A few days ago you saw your pacifier had been…

  • Nettles update: five months

    It would happen eventually, Nettles. Your first wartime. So we did that and then picked up when it seemed like the end was close (I think one of the faux cease fires was during our flight?). The America trip. You’ve been smiling your way through it all – new family members, passing strangers, my childhood…

  • Nettles update: four months

    Oh dear Nettles. I had so much to say about this month. It’s been a time suck. At the worst of times, I was at least able to hold you, kiss you, nuzzle you, see you. A luxury not everyone’s had with their loved ones in the last few weeks. Another luxury I don’t take…

  • Nettles update: three months

    Nettles – welcome to the end of the ‘fourth trimester’. Congrats and you may pick up your diploma at the front desk. Here’s how you got there: I could have three babies… thirteen babies… thirty babies… and one thing will never ever get old: The first giggle. It started a couple weeks ago… the silent…