Tag: New York City
Warless, crimeless, murderless… trip highlights!
Since a shit-ton of wrong went down this summer – in Israel and across the world – I’m going to dedicate this post to the happy, quirky, tiny moments of the trip I took with the kids to visit family in New York this month. On my first day in Ameeeerica, I have now seen…
Heels in Israel, heart in Staten Island
Not over how odd it is to live in the Middle East and watch your North American hometown get knocked around by the Universe. [Hylan Boulevard is a river… I used to cruise along Hylan for Staten Island Advance assignments…] For the past week, my heels have been in Israel, but my heart is in…
New York, New York…
New York, I love you. New York, I hate you. New York, you’re absolutely brilliantly fucking gorgeous. Your soul is as pure as antibacterial hand soap. You lure me in to my self-doubting ambivalence, time and time again. New York, New York. Fuggedaboutit.
We’ll always have Jew York…
A new study’s findings on the Jewish demographic(s) in New York City is challenging some long-held assumptions/notions regarding… Jews in New York. Specifically: “The study… challenges the entrenched image of Jews as liberal, affluent and well educated. Over the last decade wealthy, Ivy League graduates like those on the Upper West Side have increasingly lost population share…
Leaving New York City.
I returned on Tuesday from a trip to New York. It was a family visit with some work mixed in, and it came at a time when I was starting to feel a bit… hungry for New York. Not homesick, per say, but just in the mood. I don’t know if it happens to all…
Who needs aliyah?
Why bother making aliyah from New York City? In the span of four days, I’ve managed to: pass the Holon Grocery, find a metapelet originating from Ein Karem, drive behind a טוב טעם truck. What’s next? Also, I suppose it’s logical that my son’s first exposure to fast food was today in his American daycare…
Drama of a dual citizen.
A key element of being a dual citizen is the dual drama. I always get homesick with these bouts of New York City drama: Investigators believe all passengers and crew, more than 150 people, survive a plane crashing into New York’s Hudson River. I prefer NYC drama to the Israel brand these days… Report: Israel,…
The twisted mind of an expat.
I’m in New York City for the next three weeks. On one stretch, between my office on 35th to the bus on 42nd, I hear not one – not two – but three Hebrew conversations. I get on the bus, there’s a six pack of hard lemonade in my seat; former passenger leftovers. I drop…
Things I can't believe when I return to the States.
It was my longest stretch between my last visit to the States, and I have compiled a quick list of things I’m mildly shocked to notice during the past two weeks I’ve been in New York: 1. Capitalism. Oh, how I have forgotten this. My concept of capitalism has been dumbed down to long Supersol…
There are no jukim in America.
Usually when I touch down in JFK, flying over Queens at dawn, I get teary-eyed and patriotic for my hometown. I’ve been pretty emotional about New York since I left; even before I left. Maybe it’s because I landed here today coming off the Presidents Conference, or maybe it’s been a year and four months…