Questions about making the move… Tips for weddings in Israel… Advice for birthing in Israel… Comments about Bezeq parrots…
I like to think I’m not rambling on and on for nothing. Be in touch: Email or tweet.

Questions about making the move… Tips for weddings in Israel… Advice for birthing in Israel… Comments about Bezeq parrots…
I like to think I’m not rambling on and on for nothing. Be in touch: Email or tweet.
Hi Elisheva
Just wanted to thank you for leaving a comment on my blog and saying nice things about my attempts at photography.
I’m going to add your blog, which I like, to my links list
Best wishes,
Hi Eliesheva! I was wondering if you could help me out! I am a senior at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and only have 3 more months left of school! I am looking for something to do next year or the next two years, and I feel very passionately about going back to Israel and working with refugees. Last year I took 6 months off from school and studied at Ben Gurion University, worked a bit for the Hotline for Migrant Workers and a local soup kitchen in Be’er Sheva. Working for the hotline truly roused my passion for the situation in Darfur and the refugee crisis in Israel. Do you know of any organization I can be a fulltime worker for? I would love to volunteer, but unfortunately, I need to be making a bit of money right now. Do you know of any organization that would allow me to recieve a stipend, or free housing, anything? I am almost fluent in hebrew, and have taken arabic for 6 months! I hope you can help! I love your blog! It is so empowering and motivating!
Oh my god. You found my cat malka sitting on a moto-scooter!
Woah…it is a small small world indeed.
Only in israel, my friend.
You should check out my blog – ive posted many many many pictures of Malka in my flickr
among many other things.
Hi Eliesheva
Just found your blog today, and it’s amazing how much people share in their aliya experiences.Although mine was a REALLY long time ago, and I have grown up kids (one soldier) there are still times when I feel English.and then I go to the UK and feel Israeli again! you know what I mean..
We have a good quality twin size bed in good condition, that we want to donate to a charity. We are two old folks who can no longer move furniture, so the charity must be able to take the bed from a room in our house, and take it away on their vehicle. We live in the Sharon, eight kilometers east of Netanya. Any ideas? Do you know any appropriate charities the Netanya/Hadera area?
@Richard – Not familiar with the area, but you might want to try taanglo:
I live in Ramat Gan and am always looking for somewhere to donate clothing, etc. Any places that you know of I would appreciate! Doesn’t have to be right in Ramat Gan.
Hey Lisa!
I know of the ones I listed here:
Though I’d look on Taanglo if I were you (or post that you’re looking).
Good luck!
If you find something noteworthy, let me know and I’ll post it.
Hey, Elie.
We live in Maale Adumim and are thinking of renting a cheaper place. Tzur Hadassa or maybe the moshav Mata. We have four kids and would love anything between 4 to 7 rooms, but can in no way afford a penny above 3,500 a month. We’d love a place with more nature etc… but we don’t have a car. How are the bus connections to Tsur Hadassah and to Mata?
Hey Tuvia… Tzur Hadassah has gotten ridiculously expensive to rent or buy in the 3.5 years I’ve lived here… It’s pretty much impossible to find that size place for that kinda money… In fact, after trying to help friends move here, the best you can do for that price is 2 bedrooms. Matta might be a better choice, though I don’t know that the rent would be that competitive. But you’re probably better off starting there. I think this whole are has really shot up in demand and it shows in the way things are priced lately… Hope that helps at least!
Oh and to address transportation… It needs major work here. There are only a handful of buses to Jerusalem every day, and they aren’t at the most convenient times (aside from the 6:45 and 7:30am). Car is a necessity at this point, though there is a supermarket here now.
can you plese help me find a studio in one of the moshavim, e.i., mata, tzur hadasa, mevo beitar, i live in new mexico, and i want to move to israel, for now i want to rent, in the future i want to build a little place. i like to live in a moshav not in the city.
i was in israel for two months was not able to find a studio and the prices……O Lala, forget it.
please, help……, i must be there by january.
my e-mail
thank you
Hey Miriam… Yeah, the prices around here just keep growing… Do you read Hebrew? You can start with or for rentals… Going through an agent will be even more expensive, but I can find out the number of the local guy.
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