Tag: kids

  • Fifty-Two Frames: Reflections.

    This week’s photo inspired by our getaway last week. Which feels like a year ago, since I’m already sick, my kids aren’t sleeping through the night, I have a ton of work on my plate, and well, it’s raining a lot. Bla bla life is so hard when just last week we wined and dined…

  • The snail and the sleepyhead.

    The latest word I have learned from my son: חילזון. Snail. In their ‘autumn curriculum’ they’ve been teaching about the usual Israeli fall topics: rain… clouds… raindrops… leaves… rain… and snails (?!). I don’t think I’ve ever seen a snail here in Israel. Anyway, the teachers have been getting a kick out of my son…

  • The F-word.

    I’m not my best at 4am. Then again, show me someone who is. Last night, everyone I live with made a subconscious decision to be very much awake and in some sort of need at 4am. My son woke up to pee. Innocent enough, and while I’m very proud, he did it in a shrieking, freaking, panic-y…

  • Koala’s path to big boy-dom.

    Lucky for me, I have a wise, experienced professional at my disposal in times of parenting need (thanks, mom), so about a month ago a ‘sticker chart’ was instated at our home for Koala. I highly recommend it. It has been fun, exciting and super-helpful, and I’m just talking about for me… But Koala has…

  • Cookie racism.

    This keeps happening: “I brought you a snack!” “Snack!” “Cookies!” “Cookies!” “Here ya go. Animal cookies.” “No. Brown.” “Huh?” “Brooown ones. Brown, no white. Brown cookie.” Smart cookie.

  • First day(s).

    Two kids, double the first day blues. Well, I’ll admit: there’s nothing blue about Koala going to gan.  Sorry, but I’m not sorry. That kid has too much energy to be cooped up in a house while mama works. It’s for your own good, goddamit! Bebe, however. That’s the sadness. It was rough sending Koala…

  • Lizrael Update: Insane mom you hate on flights edition.

    Bulletin:  I’m leaving tonight to New York, with both my kids, alone. That’s one adult to two kids. Or, one adult to an infant and a terrible two. So if you’re on my flight, sucks for you. Sucks worse for me. Like I told my mom, who I’m sure is containing all the giddy-with-pleasure as…

  • Bebe update: Four months.

    Bebe! It’s been an incredibly rough month. And none of that is your fault. But the fact that you are so… calm. And sweet. And delicious. It just melts away the challenges I’ve been dealing with… when I’m lucky enough to see clearly through it and find your smile behind the haze. Your laughing is…

  • What’s funny to a two-year-old.

    Didn’t think he’d even get this joke, nevermind find it funny. But there we were. Me, pouring coffee for the huz and I, and what we call coffee, but is actually chocolate milk, for Koala. “Look, Koala – (I point to each cup) – for Abba, for Mama, for Koala… (I point to my boob) for…

  • I swear this just happened.

    Bebe keeps spitting out her pacifier, which drives Koala nuts. He picks it up and puts it back in. She spits it out. He runs across the room to his toys. “What are you doing?” I ask. “Tools,” he responds. He runs back over with his little blue hammer, and holds it up to Bebe’s…

  • This makes me happy.

  • Religious views: Lazy.

    I’m in a new place. It’s a place I’ve heard about, but never dwelled within. A place in time. I’ve known it’s been creeping up, have been expecting its tap on the shoulder… and here it is, plunked down and landed at my feet. Not enough is spoken about this place. I wish more people…