As my third trimester quickly approaches, I’ve been getting serious about touring and registering at hospitals, considering alternative birthing options and doing the doula dance.
Yep, this is the ‘bureaucratic’ and technical aspect of being pregnant.
In the last month we’ve done hospital tours in two popular Jerusalem hospitals: Hadassah Ein Karem and Shaarei Tzedek. Truth is, all Jerusalem hospitals are popular; all four (including Hadassah Mount Scopus and Bikur Holim) are busy and at times over-populated. It’s just how it seems to be in Jerusalem, a crowded and baby-happy city.
Unfortunately, there are no longer any proper birthing centers in the immediate Jerusalem area, as Misgav Ledach shut down years ago. If you don’t want to birth in a hospital and you don’t want to travel, it seems your options are limited to home birth.
Here are my impressions of Hadassah Ein Kerem and Shaarei Tzedek after getting the inside view; I keep in mind that both tours were done on relatively quiet days.
Whadya got: