Category: b’herayon

  • That mother.

    And, poof! Just like that, Koala and I are in the States. The only thing accurate in that statement is that Koala and I are in the States. Koala and I, minus husband, minus mother’s helper, minus sanity. I took my 7-month old on a business trip to New York. Namely – I managed a…

  • Koala update: Seven months.

    They grow up so fast. They grow up so fast. They grow up so fast. Dammit, I’m surrounded by cliches. It’s getting kinda repetitive. But I’ll take a cribful of cliches for all the milestones Koala has experienced in the last month. He worked really hard to sit – every day, one leg under the…

  • Working motherhood.

    It would be cliche and boring to say being a working mother is like a big juggling act. Or jigsaw puzzle. Would it be any more exciting to call it an Unscramble? I used to love those. There are so many pieces involved to making a day go by successfully. Or, at the very least,…

  • Baby life (in fancy line breaks).

    Put out my hand, for a baby boy in need. Just trying to sit up. He takes my outreached hand, and with bite-sized gusto, puts it in his mouth. When he’s done with it, I wipe it on my pants.

  • Meet the new guy.

    Hi everybody! I’d like you to meet Dreadlock. He’s about a month old and has already made himself quite comfortable atop Koala’s normally thin, straight ‘do. The plan for Koala’s hair is to grow it until he reaches age 3, as is the custom in many Chassidish families. Partly for that reason, and partly because…

  • Hebrew vocabulary for new parents (הורים).

    I’ll soon be coming on five years of Israelihood, and of course every day I’ve added new academic and obscure Hebrew to my arsenal. But expanding vocabulary is more than just learning new words; it’s about knowing what even the most familiar words mean in new contexts. For instance: being a mom. Here is part of…

  • Koala update: Six months.

    I’m not going to lie; it’s not always easy to write the praises of parenthood and the cutest Koala in the entire world when said Koala is trying to push one of the hardest substances of the body through his gums. Last week and the present one are probably the most challenging I’ve faced so…

  • Welcome to parenthood.

    So this is it, huh? You get through a really hard week. You get invited out for both meals for Shabbat. You  breath and say, hey, we can go out the whole day Friday! You make plans together. You prepare everything the night before. You get woken up too early on Friday. Your kid is sneezing…

  • Question of the week.

    Q: What’s it like being back at the office? A: I feel like a freshman in high school. Everything is new; it’s still school like middle school was, but it’s bigger and more complicated. And there’s more home-work. And I’m tired all the time from waking up at 6 am to get everyone out the…

  • The days I become a mom.

    Not that the 36-hour labor, trash can filled with diapers and various milk stains across my good t-shirts don’t give it away, but today I really do feel like a mom. Note: Every so often there comes an activity that gives you infant flashbacks and makes you realize you are, indeed, a mom. But today……

  • Travel (in snippets).

    Our first-ever family vacation is over. Didn’t have much time to sleep or think over the last 2.5 weeks but I did have a few seconds to jot down a few ponderings in 140 characters or less… To sum up, from finish to start, my first vacation with Koala: for the love of all things…

  • My late 20s teenage pregnancy.

    The story of my recent ‘teenage’ pregnancy has come full circle this New York trip. Back in August 2008, when I was coming to New York solo for a few weeks, I knew there was a chance I’d be pregnant so I was prepared to test upon arrival. Dressed in jeans and a raggy hoody,…